A Few Tips To Maintain Your Fireplace

In harsh winter months, nothing can defeat the warmth and comfort of a fireplace. However, most fireplaces are subject to frequent maintenance requirements, in particular wood-burning options.  We will give some advice on Valor fireplaces for you and your family to ensure comfort and safety all year round.

Make sure that you have excellent firewood

Comprise the type of wood you burn in your fireplace since several possibilities exist on the market. Just don’t opt for the least affordable wood. Bear in mind that quality is not determined necessarily by the cost, hence wisely select the wood. Burning hardwood is typically recommended. However, the finest wood-burning methods must also be understood for the greatest results.

Bricks in the fireplace must be cleaned

A few efficient solutions are available to clean and make your chimney bricks appear bright again. The cleaner can be obtained from the store or you can just use your pantry items. We’re going to reveal some techniques to take away the worst stains on fireplaces.

  • With a mixture of warm water and your preferred dishwasher, you may clean grease from your fireplace. For those badly blackened spots, use some table salt to produce a mild abrasive.
  • Add additional ammonia and pumice to the solution if you want to boost your work. If you have a stronger grate to cut, this is a perfect addition.

See the gaps in the brickwork

If you have an older fireplace, the brick mortar within is likely to develop gaps over time. The fireplace contains intense heat, which causes the materials to expand and shrink. This is normal. The underneath mortar starts to loosen and fall, leaving holes. This must be addressed, as the structural parts of the building are exposed to fire. As part of the routine house fireplace repair and maintenance, you may hire an expert to correct the mortar gaps.

Make sure the mantel is fine

You may make some easy improvements to give that section an entirely new appearance if your fireplace mantel looks drab and outdated. With just a few pieces of wood or walnut, your fireplace mantel may be built. Another option is to redesign your mantel and give it a completely different ambiance. Mantel is primarily decorative, but may also aid support items such as a TV set. The form and size of your mantel must be appropriate with the rest of the space.