Choosing Between Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles: A Few Factors to Consider

When it comes to selecting tiles for your home, two of the most popular alternatives that often come up are ceramic and porcelain. Both have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, and the decision between the two will ultimately boil down to your specific needs and preferences. Making a choice between the two however can be perplexing.

Here, we shall talk about few factors to consider when choosing between ceramic and porcelain tiles so you can decide better. 

A] Durability

Both types of tiles are known for their durability, however, porcelain is generally considered to be more durable than ceramic.

 Porcelain tiles are more resistant to scratches, stains, and other forms of wear and tear as they are made from a denser and harder clay. 

Additionally, they are fired at a higher temperature than ceramic, which further increases their strength and durability.

B] Absorption rate

Absorption rate refers to the amount of water that the tile can absorb before it becomes saturated. Porcelain tiles have an absorption rate of less than 0.5%, making them virtually non-absorbent. 

This makes them ideal for high-moisture areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. Absorption rate of ceramic tiles is relatively lower which makes them prone to damage.

C] Design flexibility

When it comes to design, ceramic tiles have an edge over porcelain tiles. They come in a wide range of shades, patterns, and textures, making them a versatile option. They are also easier to cut and shape, which makes them a good choice for spaces with odd angles or tight corners.

Porcelain tiles, on the other hand do not possess these features.

D] Cost

Generally, ceramic tiles are less expensive than porcelain ones. However, it’s worth noting that porcelain tiles can be more cost-effective in the long run as they will require less frequent replacement and maintenance due to their high durability and resistance to wear and tear.  

E] Installation

Lastly, ceramic tiles are generally simpler to install and maintain, whereas porcelain tiles can be more challenging. They are harder and denser than ceramic, which means they require a higher level of skill and expertise to install properly. Additionally, they also require a more robust subfloor and additional mortar, making the installation process more complex.

Ultimately, it is always best to speak with a professional to know which tile is best for your project.  In this regard, Club Ceramic porcelain tiles make a great choice.