Mark Roemer Oakland Explains What to Do If your Home is Invaded by Mice


Mark Roemer Oakland knows mice are one of the most problematic pests since they are crafty and sly and may find a million different ways to get into your home. Mice in the wild don’t bother us at all here at Poulin’s Pest Control, but when they make their way into the homes of our customers, we take a dim view of the situation. It’s not always a simple job to get rid of mice in your home, so it’s crucial to apply these measures as soon as possible. Mice have a tendency to breed quickly, and before you know it, they will have taken over your home completely if you wait too long to get rid of them.

Remove any leftovers and any other waste products related to food. 

When there is a steady supply of food available, mice will feel more at home there. Mice will leave your home if they are unable to get food easily or if it is difficult for them to do so.

Remove anything that could be eaten from the garden shed and garage.

They will discover the grass seed if you place it in your garden shed for them to find it. They will also look for bird seeds or dog food, and once they have found it, they will move it into their nests. This can lead to an infestation of insects later on. Get rid of any freshwater resources that can also be enticing to the animals.

Make sure that all of the doors and windows are shut at all times. 

Mice are nocturnal, meaning that they become increasingly active at night. This is also the time of day when they are most likely to venture out in search of food. This does not mean that they will not come into your house during the day, nor does it mean that they are unable to do so, because an open door provides simple entry into your home. Keep in mind that mice are very good climbers, and don’t fool yourself into thinking that the windows in your home are too high for a mouse to reach them. If you plan on leaving your windows open, check to see that the screens are in good condition and free of any rips or tears.

Prevent mice from getting in. 

Eliminating any potential entry points that mice could use is the most effective method for preventing mouse infestations. The first thing you need to do to mouse-proof your home is to look for openings that are at least the size of a dime and then seal them up. Patch every opening on the exterior of the house, including those in the garage and attic, using wool and caulk or Poulin’s Excluder. Always use metal mending for repairing holes in metal. Wood, glass, and other materials are all susceptible to being eaten through by mice, so this will simply serve to slow them down before they reach your home. After the patching is done, make sure the surface is as smooth as possible so mice don’t get the idea that they can grab one of the corners and pull the patch off.

Get rid of any mice that have made their way inside as soon as possible. 

Once house mice have established themselves as residents in an indoor environment, nearly any method used to control house mice, such as snap-traps, glue boards, or rodenticides, will be effective. Because they are naturally curious, it is not difficult to catch them. Because the scope of an infestation of rodents is frequently misjudged, you should be sure to employ an adequate number of control methods.


As you can see from the above article, Mark Roemer Oakland, has laid out several sets you can utilize to prevent mice from invading your home.