Preparing for Winter: Steps to protect Your Roof

The winter season is upon us, which means there are a few steps to take in order to protect your roof. This blog post will outline the top things you should do before snowfall starts.

Check Your Roof for Any Damages or Leaks

Take time to inspect your roof for any signs of damage. If you have a leak, it needs to be addressed as soon as possible before water starts causing further damage to your home or building.

Snow Removal

If there is any snow on your roof when the first blizzard hits, be sure to clear it with a shovel. It could weigh down your roof and cause damage.

Gutter Maintenance

Take time to inspect your gutters, particularly if the winter season is a harsh one. Look for cracks or holes in the pipes or screens that may let water into your living quarters. If there are any holes, contact us to get it fixed before further damage occurs.

Try Covering Vents with Plastic During Severe Weather

Plastic sheets are great to cover vents on roofs because they will protect them from ice buildup and other damage that can occur during freezing temperatures and snow and windy storms. Take time to cut out big squares of thick plastic to use as covers over vents that aren’t readily visible. You can also place tape on top of them when the weather is calm to make sure they stick.

Insulate The Attic

If you think it is necessary, contact us to have insulation added to the attic floor and above rafters. If your heat isn’t able to reach into all of the spaces in your home or building, inadequate insulation could be a reason why your bills are higher than expected. By increasing attic flooring insulation by R-30 and R-38 on rafter ceilings in colder months, you can prevent heat from escaping. This means that even though you’re using more energy to warm up rooms inside, excess heat won’t run through the walls and out through cracks or holes that occur from time to time.

Replace Any Roof Shingles

Shake the snow off your roof to prevent it from piling up and causing more damage. This is also a great time to replace any shingles that may have cracked or fallen out as winter approaches.

Stock Up on Firewood

During the cold months, you will need extra wood for heat in order to keep warm. It can be very difficult to chop through frozen logs with an axe when trying to start a fire, so take the time now before temperatures drop to make sure you are prepared with enough wood for another long winter season.

Make Sure Gutters Are Clean to Prevent Water from Pooling and Freezing on The Roof

Gutters should be cleaned out in the spring before winter, but it can also be helpful to do this now. Gutters will fill up or clog and cause water to leak through your roof if you don’t take time to clean them. If you notice that snow is collecting on your roof when it’s actually cold outside, then there is likely ice buildup forming inside the gutters which would render them useless until melted. Fix any holes in gutters by putting patches over them with cement glue or tar.

Be Sure Windows Have Proper Weather Stripping

Windows will require more protection from extreme temperatures as winter approaches. Be sure that windows are double-pane sealed up tight so heat doesn’t escape through cracks and doors aren’t left open to allow cold air in.

Make Sure Your Chimney Is Clear of Any Obstructions

Take time now to clean out your chimney and make sure that it will work properly when you decide to use it during the winter. If you don’t prepare for a fire, you risk carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to get warm inside your living quarters. Be sure that no debris such as leaves is sitting on the top of your chimney, or else it could fall down into the fireplace when a strong wind blows by and cause smoke damage to walls near the chimney.

Be Prepared With Candles And Flashlight Batteries

It’s always helpful to have household items like flashlights and batteries ready at hand in case a blizzard knocks out power in your area. If you have candles on hand, make sure they are located near exits so that if there is a fire or extreme weather event, you can find them quickly and get to safety.

Make Sure All Doors And Windows Are Sealed Tightly

You don’t want cold air getting into your living quarters through cracks around doors or windows, but you also don’t want warm air escaping without going through the furnace first. You can help prevent this from happening by placing some caulking on exposed parts of doors and windows before winter arrives. This will keep any drafts from coming in while still allowing heat to escape during use of the furnace. If you notice your home is extra drafty even when using the heater on cold days, this could be a sign that it is time to replace the seals on doors and windows.

Have Your Heating System Tuned Up For Winter

A small leak might not seem like much when summer temperatures are in the 90s, but when things start to get cold these leaks should be addressed before they cause more issues. The smaller the hole, the harder it will be for heat or cooling from escaping. Tuneups can help reduce air leakage by checking all parts of your system to make sure they are working properly and haven’t been damaged in any way. Sometimes you don’t realize that there’s something wrong with your furnace until you’ve already started using it during winter months; at least then repairs can prevent costly issues later on down the road.

Replace Shingles That Have Been Damaged By Snow, Ice, Or Wind

If shingles are damaged, there is a greater chance that water will come through and cause more damage to your roof. If you’ve noticed ice buildup on the top of your home then you may need to have new shingles put down as well because moisture can be absorbed into your house from wet tiles. Check for damaged areas every year before winter arrives so that you can fix any problems as soon as possible in order to prevent greater issues in the future. Only use high quality materials when replacing these parts so that they will withstand extreme temperatures for years to come.

Make Sure Gutters And Downspouts Drain Properly

Snow might melt or rain might fall during the winter months but this doesn’t mean storm drains won’t get clogged. Make sure to watch out for pipes becoming backed up, especially when it’s been raining more than usual. Your gutters will be working extra hard during the winter so make sure they have enough room to drain properly or else you could end up with ice building up on top of your roof. Clearing debris off the ground after a storm is also important in preventing problems further down the road because snow and leaves can easily get stuck and begin causing blockages if you don’t clean them away immediately.