The Ultimate Guide to Stress-Free Moving

Moving house to the next street, a neighboring city, or across the country can be very stressful. You might be tempted to avoid the process until the last minute to avoid stress. However, the longer you wait, the higher the magnitude of the stress. It is advisable to know how to reduce the stress of moving. Therefore, if you have decided you will be moving, here is a guide to help you have a stress-free move.

Start Early

It is advisable to start packing early if you have time. This helps you gather everything you need to pack and gives you ample time to do everything and relax. Start six weeks to moving day to prepare everything and gather packing supplies. Starting early ensures you also have time to handle other matters and take care of yourself. 

Get Help

A perfect solution to stress-free moving is getting all the help you can get. The first thing you need is to hire reliable movers. You may consider Meyer Moving to ensure you get help with complex tasks like carrying heavy items like furniture and appliances. You can also hire them for full service, where they pack and unpack for you. The less work you have, the less stress you will have. You can also ask for help from friends and family members. They are people you can trust to assist you in packing or looking after your kids and pets. 


The secret to reducing the cost of moving and packing well is decluttering. Moving is a chance to start afresh. Therefore, you should not relocate with unnecessary things that will add clutter to your new home. You will need to sort out your items so you are left with the necessary ones only. Sort out what you want to keep, sell, donate or throw away. The best thing about decluttering early is that you can conduct a yard sale to make some money to support your move.

Create a List

Tackle moving problems and stay organized by creating an inventory list. So, list items depending on their priority. Ensure you indicate a deadline for packing them and what you need to pack them. A moving inventory list is handy for remaining organized and minimizing moving stress. The checklist will guide you on what to do and indicate how much work is left. 

Keep a Bag of Essentials 

Avoid going through every box when you need something important. Ensure you only need to open the boxes when you get to the new place by keeping a bag of essentials. Put the basic items here, including an extra pair of clothes, medication, toiletries, snacks, chargers, etc. That way, you will not go digging in every box when you want to take a simple shower. 

Visit the New Place

Change can be intimidating, so it is advisable to visit the new place first before you move. Familiarize yourself with the neighbors and understand the community. Know fun places you can go, such as shops, restaurants, etc. This way, you will not be shocked on moving day. Furthermore, it will be easier to settle. 

Wrapping Up:

It is crucial to go over this list to know what to do to have a stress-free move. Remember, reliable movers will reduce stress by helping you pack and transport your stuff to your destination.