Top 9 Tips Of Solar Panel Repairs and Maintenance In Toowoomba Everyone Should Know

Solar panels are a huge investment, so it’s important to take care of them to ensure they last for many years. Depending on the type of solar panel, they can last for 20 to 30 years. Solar panel repairs and maintenance in Toowoomba can be a daunting task, but it’s important to do it regularly to ensure your investment lasts. In this article, we will provide you with the top 9 solar panel repairs and maintenance tips everyone should know.

Regularly clean your solar panels:

Clean solar panels are a good sign of proper maintenance. The most important part of cleaning your solar panels is to use a soft cloth and water only. Never use chemicals or abrasives, as they can damage the surface of your panels and reduce their efficiency. You can also use a low-pressure air hose to blow away dirt and debris from between the cells of the panel.

Remove snow or ice:

Snow and ice on your panels can block sunlight from reaching them, which will significantly reduce the amount of energy you get from your solar system. If you live in an area that gets snow during winter, it’s important to remove the snow off your panels before it melts into large puddles on them. Make sure you do this regularly so that there isn’t too much weight on top of them at once.

Make sure your panels are installed properly:

The next step in ensuring your solar system is properly installed is to make sure that the panels are facing south and tilted at an angle equal to or greater than 20 degrees. If you don’t have an automatic tracking system, you should manually adjust the angle of each panel every few months so it continues facing directly toward the sun throughout the year.

Maintain surrounding vegetation:

It’s important to maintain surrounding vegetation as much as possible in order to prevent it from shading your panels. If trees or bushes are around your installation site, trim them regularly, so there isn’t any shade on your panels.

Check for cracks and seal gaps regularly:

When your solar panels are installed, there will be some gaps between them. These gaps allow air circulation in order to keep your system cool during sunny days. However, these gaps can also allow moisture into your system, which can cause rusting and corrosion of internal components. It’s important to check for any cracks or holes in these spaces periodically so that you can seal them up before any major damage occurs.

Keep an eye on the wiring of your solar system:

Checking your wiring is an essential part of solar panel maintenance. This will prevent future problems with your system and make sure it’s functioning properly. If you don’t have any experience with electrical work, find someone who does or hire an electrician from a reliable company that specializes in solar panels.

Regular inspections:

Inspect your solar panels at least once a year to identify any issues or potential problems you may have missed during the previous inspection. Inspections help you identify potential problems before they become major ones, which could lead to costly repairs down the road. You may even want to hire an electrician or installer for additional expertise in this area if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself.

Prevent pest infestations:

Pests such as rats, mice and squirrels can cause havoc on your solar panels by chewing through wires and cables. This can lead to short circuits in your system and prevent it from functioning properly. 

In order to prevent these pests from damaging your solar panels, you should keep them away from areas where they like to live, such as attics or garages. You should also install bird netting around roofs so that birds do not land on top of your panels or get entangled while flying around them.

Allocate an annual budget for solar panel maintenance:

It’s crucial that you allocate an annual budget for solar panel repairs and maintenance in Toowoomba. This is because regular inspections will help you identify any problems with your system before they become major issues. For example, if you notice that one of the panels has stopped working or has developed a crack, then it might be too late if you don’t fix it immediately!